Get Your Google Ads Lead Forms Emailed Straight To You
Our API will instantly email you when you get a new lead. Buy now for just £29.99/Year
Our solution will mean no more missed leads. With Form2Email, you won’t have to worry about checking your Google Ads business account for leads, as they will be emailed to you as soon as they come in
Form2Email for Google Ads
More Traffic
By using Goole Lead Forms, you can efficiently drive traffic to your business
Get notified of new leads instantly
Our service integrated with your google ads environment to send you emails as soon as you get a new lead
Quicker response = higher conversion rate
With our lead form to email service, you can act on new leads straight away.
Never miss a lead again
With Form2Email, there is no need to check your Google Ads portal for new leads, as they will be emailed as they come in.